and i will fight

as you attack, why won't you ever see that what you have done to me
won't define who i am?


  • 26 (10/23/97)

  • scorpio - intp - chaotic neutral

  • gay gnc trans man (he/it)

  • creature boy thing

  • polyam - taken by josh

  • kin but we won't talk about it

  • i like horror/bugs/creepy things

  • i like my men with long hair :-)

  • autistic + very mentally ill (please keep in mind when interacting w/ me)

please do not refer to me as queer, or use they/them pronouns for me

do not follow if:

•you are under 18
•you ship irl people
•you're proship & ship/defend incest, rape, abuse, etc.
•you don't like "antis"/you're "anti-anti"
•you fit the general dfi criteria; racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, etc.
•you use words like tr-p/sh-ta/l-li

current/long term interests

•ffxiv (Clay Wolfgang on leviathan)
•ai: the somnium files
•cookie run
•dead by daylight
•animal crossing
•ace attorney
•doki doki literature club
•fire emblem
•many other various things